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Oktober 22, 2021 um 9:15 pm Uhr als Antwort auf: Fps drop in firs monitor, when plaing somthing in second monitor. #4054
Teilnehmerits still a problem
Oktober 15, 2021 um 11:36 pm Uhr als Antwort auf: Fps drop in firs monitor, when plaing somthing in second monitor. #3963k0lk
Teilnehmerbut chrome and space desk get still in 11%-0%
Oktober 15, 2021 um 11:35 pm Uhr als Antwort auf: Fps drop in firs monitor, when plaing somthing in second monitor. #3962k0lk
Teilnehmerin multiplayer, its a litlle bit worst, it gets to 60, 50
Oktober 15, 2021 um 11:31 pm Uhr als Antwort auf: Fps drop in firs monitor, when plaing somthing in second monitor. #3961k0lk
Teilnehmerbut standind still in the game, while plaing some video in the back ground, fps goes from 110 to 70. Beter then before, beffore whas worst, even worst when moving the mouse, now the fps got more stable
Oktober 15, 2021 um 11:29 pm Uhr als Antwort auf: Fps drop in firs monitor, when plaing somthing in second monitor. #3960k0lk
Teilnehmerthe game usage comes up
Oktober 15, 2021 um 11:28 pm Uhr als Antwort auf: Fps drop in firs monitor, when plaing somthing in second monitor. #3959k0lk
Teilnehmerhi, when i have chrome palaign the video in te first monitor, chrome use 11% and 0% spacedesk, when i have chrome plaing the video en the second monitor, its the same, chrome 11% and sapacedesk 0%. Now, when i play a game, and i move my mouse fast, not too fast my fps usage goes to 98%, and space desk stills in 0% usage
Oktober 15, 2021 um 1:20 am Uhr als Antwort auf: Fps drop in firs monitor, when plaing somthing in second monitor. #3949k0lk
TeilnehmerIn the other file i was ussing my phone as a second monitor,
You must be logged in to view attached files.Oktober 15, 2021 um 1:06 am Uhr als Antwort auf: Fps drop in firs monitor, when plaing somthing in second monitor. #3948k0lk
TeilnehmerI also tried the android app and it happend the same problem
Oktober 15, 2021 um 1:05 am Uhr als Antwort auf: Fps drop in firs monitor, when plaing somthing in second monitor. #3947k0lk
TeilnehmerI am currently ussing reviOs 21h1, its a windows 10 mini os, i dont knowk if that migth be the problem.
Oktober 15, 2021 um 1:03 am Uhr als Antwort auf: Fps drop in firs monitor, when plaing somthing in second monitor. #3945k0lk
TeilnehmerHi, sorry for responding to late.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Oktober 8, 2021 um 3:16 am Uhr als Antwort auf: Fps drop in firs monitor, when plaing somthing in second monitor. #3796k0lk
TeilnehmerSorry for being so heavy, I do not want to be left with doubts, the problem is not that the second monitor looks bad or lages. If not, the second monitor lags the whole pc, causing low performance on my pc, when I play a video only, if I leave it with nothing or pause the video on the second monitor, the pc performance does not get worse. Thanks in advance
Oktober 8, 2021 um 2:52 am Uhr als Antwort auf: Fps drop in firs monitor, when plaing somthing in second monitor. #3794k0lk
Teilnehmerok, thanks, so my pc lags bcs my second monitor runs in html5 viewer?