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  • als Antwort auf: Bluescreen when connecting: driver_irql_not_less_or_equal #1960

    Hi Lea,
    I can confirm, that with v1.0.11 there is no Bluescreen when the checkbox „Remote control“ is checked.
    BUT: remote control also does not work. When trying to click somewhere inside the viewer, nothing happens, except for that the cursor disapperars and Chrome tells me „Zum Einblenden des Cursors ESC drücken“ (which translates to something like „press ESC to display the cursor“).

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    als Antwort auf: [Feature Request] Connect to localhost in Windows viewer #1958

    My usecase is videoconferencing and screensharing:

    I have one big 4k monitor.
    With MS Teams, unfortunately, you can either share ONE window or an ENTIRE screen. In sessions where I need to share several windows, but not the entire screen (as there might be other apps like my calendar or outlook, which the audience should not see), this is very uncomfortable/impossible with MS Teams.

    Thus, I’d like to have a virtual monitor device (spacedesk?) where I can place all the windows I want to share – and I want to control it via my mainscreen within a window. Then, in Teams, i could choose either the virtual screen or the viewer as source for the sharing.

    als Antwort auf: Bluescreen when connecting: driver_irql_not_less_or_equal #1927

    Hi Lea,
    just sent the info to that eMail.
    Thanks in advance,

    als Antwort auf: Bluescreen when connecting: driver_irql_not_less_or_equal #1919

    Hi Lea,
    can you provide me an email address where I can send these files to you?
    I don’t want to post the files here, as there might be private information contained.

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