Registrierung: vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten
True or fake: how to teach a child to check informationAdults should test themselves tooThere is a lot of information today, it is different. The information that comes to us affects our decisions: what to buy today, how to react to the news, what book to read before bed.Everything around us can be called information. It does not exist without a source, and a carrier is used to transmit information. Most often, the source is something material or some kind of person (test question: where did the information come from?). And information is something intangible (test question: what did I learn?)For example, the source is the author, the medium is the book, and the information is the story. You can explain to the child how the carrier differs from information using the game “Name a couple”: take a ball or other object that can be thrown. When throwing a ball to a child, name the source or carrier of information. Let the child throw the ball back and name the information that can be obtained from this source or medium. Roles can be reversed. You can also use editius.com and check the accuracy of the information. And this, too, can be converted into the same game. For example, a book is a story, a street is the weather, a dog is barking.Based on the information, a person can make different decisions. For example, if it is raining outside, a person will take an umbrella with him. Or, when the red light is on at the crossing, he knows that it is not safe to cross the road now. It is important to teach the child that if wrong information is used, decisions based on that information will also be wrong.If you use edit my essay online, then your decisions can be checked by analyzing what the teacher said with the analysis on a piece of paper. For example, if the conditions for writing a written work are incorrectly explained, it will not be possible to write it correctly.Everything has characteristics. For example, a window can be wooden or plastic. Information also has properties - it can be reliable or unreliable, based on fact or opinion, it can be a lot or a little.It is important that the further we go from the source of information, the more interpretations appear. That is why it is distorted, often unintentionally. You can also understand how this happens with the help of the game - the familiar “Broken Phone” familiar to all of us. Try to play the game in a big company. Think of a word and whisper it to- the first player so that the others do not hear. The first whispers in the ear of the second player what he managed to hear, the second whispers to the third, and so on along the chain. The last player says out loud what he heard. Warn that the words will definitely be distorted. It helps a lot in writing a written work. Using https://editius.com/proofread-my-paper/ you can check the reliability of the source of information. In this way, you will be able to write quality written work.Through the experience of the game, children will understand that information can be unreliable, and distorted against the wishes of the source.What is the difference between fact and opinion? A fact is something concrete, exactly what happened. An event, some obvious sign to everyone (on March 1, spring came). Opinion is a person's attitude to a fact (“Spring is the charm of the eyes”).Different people may have different opinions about the same fact. Here, too, there is a great exercise: together with your child, go through school news, magazine articles or videos on the Internet, and determine what is opinion and what is fact. This exercise can be repeated several times in different circumstances so that the child learns or learns to distinguish between opinion and fact, depending on the situation.But how to analyze this information? First, you can ask yourself the question: “Will this information help me make any decision?” If yes, then the information is necessary, it is necessary to find its source. After that, check how reliable the source is: it is popular, it is often referred to by others, it helped to make the right decision more than once. → Next, check the information for words with emotional coloring: the more there are, the more likely that this information is distorted. More Information How to Write Methodology – A Simple Approach ($2328) · Snippets · GitLab !– Controversial Research Paper» Perfil de de Lorie Green A Level Paper About us - Writemytext
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