Type-C cables of 2.0, 3.x, 4 versions
Tablet with USB type-c v3.2
Was using Spacedesk with usb 2.0 type-c cable – worked pretty well.
Plugged usb 4 – Windows said „Device not recognized…“ when USB Cable driver is ON. Spacedesk is not launching USB Session.
When disabling USB Cable driver – default Windows connection works normally (can transfer files), so there is no real problem with my cables and devices. And sorry, but I need to say, that the analogue program for virtual display works with USB v3.2, so no real problems at my side.
Tried USB v3.2 capable cable – same as v4 error.
Can use Spacedesk and USB 4 only when plugging USB v4 into USB 2.0 adapter.
Have Spacedesk been tested with USB versions, better than 2.0? Can you say that type-c USB v3.2 connection must work with software?
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