Forum Foren spacedesk Discussions Touch / mouse control in the Windows Store App is difficult to activate

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  • #17968


    The Spacedesk solutionis wonderful! I wish I knew about it before. After getting frustrated with Microsoft’s Miracast which was both laggy and unstable with a lot of crashes for me (not mentioning the limitation that it only works wirelessly), I’m finally able to utilize my Surface Go 2 as a second monitor over Ethernet for my main Windows 10 PC and it’s a breeze!

    Only problem I found with the App from the Windows Store is that it’s very difficult to figuring out how to activate the Touch/Mouse control: it requires to first tap on the App to show the green bar, and then to tap with 3 fingers very gently, where the spacing of the fingers must be very specific; if you have your fingers a little far or close to one another it doesn’t show up the window for activating input. If I use the Microsoft Pen however the input activating window shows up with a single tap.

    I think that a dedicated button in the green bar to enable/disable input would be a better solution.

    Besides that, I would very much like to be be able to switch the audio to be playing from my secondary display. This works when running the non-app version of the Viewer, however there’s a problem with input control there, which is why I moved to use the App.

    Overall, it’s one of the BEST apps I ever used. Keep up the good work! 🙂

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