Forum Foren spacedesk Discussions Ipad screen upside down and a number of icons on process line not working

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  • #9411

    I was just trying out this program in order to use my ipad (in landscape mode) as second monitor for my windows 10 PC.
    Connection comes up fine, but ipad is showing the PC screen upside down, e.g. process line on top.
    I switched my ipad upside down.
    More importantly when you press e.g. below icons on process line nothing happens
    1. File explorer
    2. Task Manager
    3. Teamviewer
    See attached screenshot from ipad.
    Any suggestions?

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @plaurits,

    Could you please try the following work around:
    1. open your iPad Viewer -> Settings -> Rotation, then switch it OFF
    2. you might also have to switch the display orientation in the display settings in your primary machine in case it’s still flipped upon connect
    3. connect the iPad Viewer app then on your primary machine, open the spacedesk Driver Console window -> click the connected client underneath Network -> Connections Active, then on the right panel, click the Videowall tab and uncheck the Flipped Display (for mirroring) box.


    Thanks a lot for fast response.
    I will try your suggestions.

    As mentioned the main issue is that I can’t start some important programs from process line.
    Any suggestions for that?

    spacedesk Lea

    I think the apps are already open but the current position is not visible in the screen/display.. maybe you can try to hover the icon then right-click the popup preview box above the icon, then click the „Move“ and use your right or left arrow keys to move the window in the direction where it will be visible.


    Well, in screenshot I have marked with red box examples of icons which do not respond. Other icons on process line are responding fine though, i.e. program is started as expected.

    spacedesk Lea

    Does it only happen if spacedesk is connected?
    Have you tried closing these apps (right-click „Close window“) then open/click it again?
    Can you also monitor their memory and cpu usage via task manager if it shows high consumption of memory/cpu?


    Ad non-responding apps on process line in ipad:
    Yes same issue on ipad if I close and reopen on PC.
    What I primarily want to do with spacedesk is to open e.g. a video mp4 file from file explorer on ipad.

    Ad PC shown upside down on ipad:
    It does not work for me to stop screen rotation, since ipad is set up with power cable in reading stand (i.e. I need landscape mode only in correct orientation with power cable and home button to the left)


    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @plaurits,

    1. Did you check if the Flipped Display (for mirroring) box is checked in spacedesk Driver Console?

    2. Can you also try to switch OF the auto-rotation on your iPad device + auto rotation in spacedesk iOS Viewer settings, then just manually rotate the screen to landscape orientation via Windows Display Settings?

    3. Can you also please clarify if this „not responding apps“ are only happening if spacedesk is connected?

    If yes to #3, please send us the diagnostic logs. Just open the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostic.
    – if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
    – switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
    – try to connect your viewer app and reproduce the issue
    – switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
    – click Save All Information button
    PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
    Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.


    Ad 1. Did you check if the Flipped Display (for mirroring) box is checked in spacedesk Driver Console?
    Peter: Where do I find this parameter? See screenshots

    2. Can you also try to switch OFF the auto-rotation on your iPad device + auto rotation in spacedesk iOS Viewer settings, then just manually rotate the screen to landscape orientation via Windows Display Settings?
    Peter: As mentioned I can manually switch upside down. But that will not work for me, since ipad is in reading stand with power cable connected

    3. Can you also please clarify if this „not responding apps“ are only happening if spacedesk is connected?
    Peter: Apps on process line are responding fine on PC monitor no matter if spacedesk is connected or not.
    Issue only comes on spacedesk app in ipad, meaning that you can’t use some important process line apps from ipad.
    Also note that when you press the press the icon process line on ipad, app comes up fine on PC, but on ipad I only see the blue screen (see attached)
    Logs attached

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    seems I can only upload one attachement at a time

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    one more

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    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    spacedesk Lea

    Thanks for the feedback.
    Unfortunately, we cannot download the diagnostic logs as .7z file, could you please upload it as zip file?


    here you go

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    any news?

    spacedesk Lea

    Thanks for sending the logs. We are currently analyzing it.
    We will get back to you as soon as we have news or follow up question regarding this issue.

    By the way, we have released a new iOS Viewer app, can you quickly try it and check if the issue still happens.


    I tried the new spacedesk IOS Viewer, still same issues

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @plaurits,

    After further analyzing your setup, please try the following:

    2. Peter: As mentioned I can manually switch upside down. But that will not work for me, since ipad is in reading stand with power cable connected

    spacedesk Lea: Based on the log, the display is currently in Landscape mode and it shows an upside down screen in the ipad, right?
    What if you try to manually switch to Landscape (flipped) in the Windows display settings -> Orientation ?

    3. Peter: Apps on process line are responding fine on PC monitor no matter if spacedesk is connected or not.
    Issue only comes on spacedesk app in ipad, meaning that you can’t use some important process line apps from ipad.
    Also note that when you press the press the icon process line on ipad, app comes up fine on PC, but on ipad I only see the blue screen (see attached)

    spacedesk Lea: If you were able to open the app (e.g. Teamviewer) on your main monitor, can you just manually drag the Teamviewer app window from main monitor to the extension display (viewer screen on your iPad)?

    • Diese Antwort wurde vor 2 Jahren, 4 Monaten von spacedesk Lea geändert.


    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @plaurits,

    Any news?
    Have you tried the suggestions above?


    Hi Lea
    Adding my response fails again, pls. check this issue asap.


    with zip file

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    I have added as txt file instead, not able to enter text here

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @plaurits,
    Thanks for the feedback.
    So far we are trying to reproduce it on our side but it’s not yet reproducible.

    Can you please try to update your NVIDIA GeForce GT 710 Graphics driver from their official website

    If updating the Nvidia driver did not help, can you please send us a short video of this not responding window issue?

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