Forum Foren spacedesk Discussions Connected – Display Off – Incompatible driver detected

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  • #4132

    hello has the same problem I am sending diagnostics

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @polski_krzak,
    Based on the debugview log, spacedesk detected an incompatible display hook driver on your primary machine (e.g. splashtop/duet display/fresco).
    If you have any of these software installed on your primary machine, please uninstall it then reboot before connecting a spacedesk viewer.


    does not work do you have any other ideas?

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @polski_krzak,
    The incompatible display hook driver detected was the cause of your display connection issue.
    To verify if these drivers are not present on your machine, could you please follow the steps below:
    – run command prompt as Administrator
    – type these commands:
    sc query lci_proxykmd
    sc query lci_proxywddm
    sc query FLxHCIv
    sc query ddkmd
    sc query ddmgr
    – if one of these command returns a Running or Stopped status
    – just type sc delete [service name]
    – reboot your primary machine

    • Diese Antwort wurde vor 3 Jahren, 4 Monaten von spacedesk Lea geändert.
    • Diese Antwort wurde vor 3 Jahren, 4 Monaten von spacedesk Lea geändert.


    It turned out that I have installed lci_proxywddm and this error popped up when I tried to remove it

    C:\Windows\System32>sc delete lci_proxywddm
    [SC] DeleteService FAILED 1072:

    The specified service has been marked for deletion.


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