Forum › Foren › spacedesk Discussions › Client disconnects and freezes PC
- Dieses Thema hat 23 Antworten sowie 4 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 2 Jahren von
spacedesk Lea aktualisiert.
November 28, 2022 um 8:22 pm Uhr #10870
TeilnehmerSo I have this intermittent problem where the client (Android Tablet) disconnects and cannot reconnect. Shortly thereafter my PC freezes and any attempt to move the mouse causes the PC to beep like morse code but I can’t do anything other than a hard reset. All peripherals cease to work. No keyboard, mouse or anything else. This is very annoying and likely not very good for the PC. Any advice?
I did try and run a diagnostic file after a re-boot but I don’t know if they are going to show the prior shutdown event or just the current status which is fine after a re-start.
Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 2 Jahren, 3 Monaten von
November 29, 2022 um 1:44 am Uhr #10880spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @dmanz56,
Does it only happen upon spacedesk client disconnect?
What is the current client screen resolution?
What is the network connection type between your server and spacedesk client? WiFi? Wifi Direct? USB tethering?For further analysis, please send us the diagnostic files of your primary machine.
Just open the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics, then click the „Save All Information“ button.
Note: NO NEED to switch the Diagnostic Collection ON/OFF.PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.November 29, 2022 um 2:10 pm Uhr #10883Dmanz56
TeilnehmerHi Lea, thank you for your reply.
Yes, the PC lockup only happens right after the uninitiated disconnect from the Primary Server and it always happens when I’m using it with MSFS 2020 Flight Simulator. I’m using it with another program called Air Manager which allows me to emulate a radio panel from the aircraft I’m flying.
Screen Resolution is set to: Use native android device resolution (which is 1920×1200)
Network connection is Wifi.Diagnostics file as captured after re-boot from yesterday’s crash is attached.
I look forward to your reply.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Dezember 1, 2022 um 1:35 am Uhr #10901spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @dmanz56,
Thank you very much for the feedback.
Have you tried without MSFS Flight Simulator + Air Manager running?
If not yet, please try and let us know your result.Dezember 1, 2022 um 1:42 am Uhr #10902Dmanz56
TeilnehmerYes, I have run the app for several hours while the PC was just idle or I was doing other tasks and never experienced the loss of connection. It doesn’t always happen even with MSFS and Air Manager running as today I did two separate flight sessions of 2-3 hours and did not lose connection. But when it does happen, it is always while running MSFS and Air Manager.
Dezember 4, 2022 um 3:43 pm Uhr #11036Dmanz56
TeilnehmerSo am I simply to assume there’s nothing more to be done and that I will not be able to run this app with MSFS2020 and Air Manager, which by the way is the only reason I need it. It just crashed my PC again after an hour and a half in the sim.
Diese Antwort wurde vor 2 Jahren, 3 Monaten von
Dmanz56 geändert.
Dezember 5, 2022 um 3:30 am Uhr #11055spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @dmanz56,
Can you please check if there’s a dump file/s (*.dmp) for the recent crash in the following directories and send it to us:
– C:\Windows\Minidump
– C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\WDFDezember 5, 2022 um 3:20 pm Uhr #11067Dmanz56
There is no -C:\Windows\Minidump file (or folder)
There is a folder – C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\WDF but it is empty.I’ve had a couple of restarts since the last crash so maybe they’ve been reset. I really hope we can get to the cause of this because it will keep me from using the app if we can’t, and I really enjoy it when it works properly.
DanDezember 5, 2022 um 3:29 pm Uhr #11068Dmanz56
TeilnehmerDid the previous files I sent you give you any indication of the problem?
Dezember 6, 2022 um 2:24 am Uhr #11081spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @dmanz56,
Strange.. if it’s a system crash there’s should be a dump file in C:\Windows\Minidump or a C:\Windows\MEMORY.dmp.
If it’s a user mode driver crash there should be a dump file/s in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\WDF.
Dump files are automatically generated and will not be deleted unless users manually deleted it.In the diagnostics you sent, I only noticed a recurring application crash of Pilot2ATC_2021.exe
Maybe this is the one crashing upon spacedesk disconnect and causes the PC to freeze.
Have tried waiting for the freeze? Maybe it can recover after a few minutes?Dezember 6, 2022 um 4:28 am Uhr #11088Dmanz56
Thank you for your reply. I have not tried waiting for the freeze to recover on its own. I will give it several minutes next time. Pilot2ATC has been problematic for me ever since I first installed it. It is full of bugs and the developer is constantly updating it but it always has issues. Unfortunately there is not much available to replace it or I would. On the other hand, it is not absolutely necessary to run in my sim so I may try several sessions going forward without using it and see how it goes. I appreciate your efforts to help troubleshoot this problem.Dezember 6, 2022 um 1:39 pm Uhr #11096Dmanz56
After re-reading your last post I went back and found a Windows MEMORY.DMP file but it is too large to attach at 1.35gb. and even zipped it’s 215mb. But I can’t find a minidump file as you asked for originally and although there is a Windows/WDF folder, it is empty as I noted above.Dezember 7, 2022 um 6:49 am Uhr #11112spacedesk Lea
AdministratorWhat is the timestamp of the current MEMORY.DMP in your machine? Can you verify if the current timestamp of the dump matches the time when you last encounter the system crash upon spacedesk disconnect?
Can you maybe split the compressed folder into multiple parts? Or maybe upload it in dropbox or any cloud storage app which you can share the link so we can download it on our side?
Diese Antwort wurde vor 2 Jahren, 3 Monaten von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
Dezember 7, 2022 um 2:26 pm Uhr #11117Dmanz56
I was unable to even open the file but after messing with some permissions settings I finally got it open using Notepad++ but it is mostly just a bunch of strange characters with a small amount of legible text mixed in. I’ve attached a few screenshots to see if this is what you would expect.I don’t use cloud storage and splitting this up into multiple files seems like an act of futility. I’m trying to figure out why I don’t have the minidump folder and if I can create this folder maybe I’ll wait until I have this crash event again and then get back to you. I ran a flight of about 2 hours yesterday with no disconnect issues but that is not uncommon. It happens randomly and sometimes I won’t have the problem for several sessions and then it will happen.
If you think the file which I’ve sent the screenshots of is going to help troubleshoot I’d be willing to try and break-up the entire thing and send it to you.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Dezember 9, 2022 um 1:50 am Uhr #11129spacedesk Lea
AdministratorWindows dump files cannot be opened using a simple text editor app, you have to use a specific tool like WinDbg (a debugging tools for Windows) to show the content of the dump file and for us to analyze it.
Januar 9, 2023 um 1:47 pm Uhr #11485Bluescreen_Error
TeilnehmerHello i just made this Account because my PC freezes when i play Games like Elite Dangerous WHEN i am Disconnecting my Tablet during the Gamingsession.
The Entire PC just freezes and makes morsecode too.
I was connected via Wlan because my Samsung galaxy Tab s2 don’t can Tethering.
It works extremly smooth to watch Youtube/Twitch during make Rescue Flights. I paniced and unistalled the Software xD.
Are they News about this Issue?
Januar 10, 2023 um 6:34 am Uhr #11494spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @bluescreen_error,
We will try to reproduce and investigate it.
We will get back to you as soon as we have news regarding this issue.In the meantime, since getting the diagnostic logs during the issue is not possible, please just send the diagnostic logs with just viewer connected, no need to reproduce the PC freeze.
Januar 11, 2023 um 5:12 pm Uhr #11537Bluescreen_Error
TeilnehmerHi @spacedesk lea, thank you for you Reply… i just added 2 logs which was remainining after i Panicuninstalled Spacedesk xD ^^ i just came home from Work, i submit these Logs and go back to Couch/Sofa, i hope these are helping lol XD
lol? forum said i am not allowed to upload these types of files? XD
Edit: i loaded it quickly into my google drive… heres the link ^^
Diese Antwort wurde geändert vor 2 Jahren, 1 Monat von
Bluescreen_Error. Grund: Files not able to upload^^
Diese Antwort wurde vor 2 Jahren, 1 Monat von
Bluescreen_Error geändert.
Januar 13, 2023 um 8:24 am Uhr #11549spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @bluescreen_error,
Thanks for sending the logs.
We will continue to investigate this issue and try to reproduce it on our side (which is not yet successful).
We will get back to you once we have news regarding this issue.-
Diese Antwort wurde vor 2 Jahren, 1 Monat von
spacedesk Lea geändert.
Januar 13, 2023 um 10:08 am Uhr #11554Bluescreen_Error
TeilnehmerHello again @spacedesk Lea,
Thank you for the Reply.Ok reproducing the Error should be straightforward:
1: Start high Demanding Games Like Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen.
2: Set the Game on the Mainmonitor to 1080p Borderless Window.
3: Setup a Video on the Tablet in Fullscreen mode in 1080p60Fps on Youtube or Twitch.
4: Play the Game and just disconnect from the Tablet during you are Playing and the Video running via normal Exit from Tablet or just deactivate WIFI.
5: Windows 11 Zooms out and in and then the Screen Freezes. Any Attempt to use the Keyboard or Mouse result in Rapidly Morsecodes. Game Audio runs normal, but i think the Graphic Card don’t liked xD. (Nvidia 1060 6GB, i7-7700 with 24 GB RAM on Windows 11 are my Specs.).Hope that can help. 🙂 and thanks for helping me and us here 😀
Januar 26, 2023 um 10:06 pm Uhr #11797ozzymanborn
TeilnehmerSory for replying old post but mine is similar. I am streaming with OBS and even when spacedesk is idle and waiting to use after disconnect I’m getting critical_structure crash. I have latest Nvidia and after uninstalled spacedesk 1.0.56 today there is nothing crash dump.
Januar 27, 2023 um 2:59 am Uhr #11805spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @bluescreen_error,
Can you please try the most recent spacedesk Driver v1056 and generate an updated diagnostic logs (via spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics -> Save All Information).
Please make sure that spacedeskDiag.txt will be included in the diagnostic folder.Hi @ozzymanborn,
Is it a blue screen crash?
Can you please try again with spacedesk installed and save the diagnostic logs?
Just open the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics -> Save All Information.PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder (2023-01-XX-XXXXX-spacedeskRuntimeDiagnostics) which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.Januar 28, 2023 um 12:01 pm Uhr #11817Bluescreen_Error
Teilnehmer@Spacedesk Lea Thank you for your Reply, here is my Folder, hope that helps. 🙂
You must be logged in to view attached files.Februar 7, 2023 um 9:19 am Uhr #11961spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @bluescreen_error,
Thank you very much for sending the updated diagnostic logs.By the way, does your PC also freezes upon spacedesk disconnect even without any game application running?
In the recent spacedesk Driver version, we already have native Android USB cable connection supported.
Just enable it via spacedesk Driver Console -> Communication Interfaces -> Android USB Cable, then plug your Android device USB cable to your primary machine.
Can you please try with USB cable connection and check if the PC freeze will still happen? -
Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 2 Jahren, 3 Monaten von
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