Forum Foren spacedesk Discussions 1.0.36 installing 1.0.35

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  • #6656

    After uninstalling version 1.0.35 using the add or remove programs setting in windows 10 then restarting the pc, Using the 1.0.36 msi file to install spacedesk I see that it instead installs 1.0.35. After that I also tried uninstalling using the msi file itself, but still see 1.0.35 after installing. Double checked and I am definitely using the 1.0.36 msi file.

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    spacedesk Renz

    Hi @jlaw2756,

    You can rest assured that the server’s version that you’ve installed is v1.0.36.
    This is a known issue and it will be fixed in the next version’s release. Thank you.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @jlaw2756,
    We have released a new spacedesk Driver version 1.0.37 with the version mismatch fixed, please try it.


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