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On first install from spacedesk driver on my laptop I enabled mirror mode. Then I got a true mirror image with everything mirrored and text unreadable. I changed the resolution everywhere to same as first display 1366×768, but on the second iPad display image enlarged, the touchscreen doesn’t work, neither does the keyboard. I put everything back to the original resolution of the iPad 2048 x 1536, and image became normal, but the touchscreen and keyboard didn’t work. I created 3 walls and played with the settings from there but touchscreen doesn’t work either. I uninstalled spacedesk and everything was ok without configuring anything. Then I tried just changing the iPad display resolution to a lower 1152 x 864, but the image zoomed in again and the touchscreen didn’t work. Reinstalling again and I dare not open eiter the settings on app drivers or HTML5 as touchscreen and keyboard worked now.