Forum › Foren › spacedesk Discussions › software keyboard problem on Android › Antwort auf: software keyboard problem on Android
Hi @multi-cat,
Ah I see.. currently spacedesk can only send one keyboard input at a time, it does not support entering words as a single input.
As for the disconnection issue upon entering special characters, we tried to reproduce it here but so far we are not successful.
To further analyze this issue, could you please download the spacedesk diagnostic script here, then extract it.
Inside you will find spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd, just right-click it then run as administrator.
This script will start a debug view app to capture spacedesk debug traces.
On step 5 it will prompt you to reproduce the issue (by connecting the viewer app, send keyboard input with emojis or special characters to reproduce the disconnect issue), make sure to do this before pressing any key to continue.
After the script is done, a folder will be created on the same folder as the script file which contains various log files that we need for analysis.
Please right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.